See the news pitch

Monday, November 11, 2013

Share the news

Today, mostly every news story found online has a “Share” button somewhere around it. How many people are actually sending their stories to their Facebook or Twitter pages though? I think that there should be an incentive for sharing news. If you’re scrolling through Facebook and more news is scattered in your newsfeed, you’re more likely to read it. Helping to get others more involved in news consumption should be rewarded. I haven’t worked out exactly what should happen when someone shares a certain amount of stories, but maybe a slight reduction in subscription costs would be fair. After all, you are helping to bring more eyes to a news site’s page. People may say they’re not interested in going out of their way to get news and that word of mouth is effective enough, but new concepts and sites are everywhere, it just takes some exploring and sharing to find them.

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