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Saturday, November 2, 2013

No need to scorn technology

More than anything, Terry’s presentation was optimistic. It was so refreshing to see graphs and analytical examples of how society’s view on the industry is misconstrued (to some extent). Technology is only helping journalists and Terry proved it. What I’ve consistently learned from our guest speakers is that journalists today have to brand themselves. Social media, when used correctly, has the ability to connect a reader to a reporter. There is a balance between reporting professionally and allowing insight into ones character. The ability to relate to readers is more important than ever. Gone are the days where a reporter is just a byline on a newspaper page. Sites like Twitter and Facebook allow readers to ask questions and connect with larger news organizations and the writers that they follow. Having hundreds or thousands of followers online gives a reporter so much power in getting the word out about anything really. It must be used responsibly and regularly. Emphasis is put on the fact that journalists can be reached at all times and engaged with their audience on a grander scale than any time in journalism history.

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