See the news pitch

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Pitch comments

Joel: such a creative idea. I think it can be engaging on a whole new level but I have just a few questions. What if a news story is ongoing or new developments come out while a game is being developed? I have no concept of how long it takes to develop a game, but just something to consider. You would also be walking a fine line of what is offensive and what is respectful entertainment. In regard to your pitch specifically, I definitely got a lot out of it. The slides are clean and professional looking. My only critique is that they’re slightly text heavy. I didn’t hear any sound when I was looking at it and this could just be a technical error, but much of what you mention could be expressed through words instead of text.

Allie: If you launched this site today, I would read it. I’ll be completely honest in saying that I would visit it once, but it would take a lot of intriguing, relevant information to keep me going back. This is the problem that many of us would have with our sites I think. It’s definitely wise that you’re going to avoid paid prescriptions. Like I said, it’s something that I see myself stumbling upon and being interested in at the moment, but I’m not sure if I would check it regularly and be willing to pay. It’s a unique idea; maybe just try to find a way to broaden your audience.

Corinne: You fence? Joking. But I’m a fan of this idea. I was really impressed with your pitch. The graphics you included were not too much and added to your presentation. Fencing seems like it’s own small world, but I think you could be the one to open our eyes and make us realize that there’s history, policy, and rules that we know nothing about. I’d definitely be interested in checking out this site and I know that I’d learn a ton.

Catie: In regard to your actual PowerPoint pitch, I would suggest making the print larger. I may have just missed it, but would this be an online or print publication? I think a wide audience would definitely admire this idea. There is a fine line in keeping content appropriate, professional, and accurate. Like my pitch, I think your business could benefit from being mostly online based but producing a print product annually or semi annually.

Ashley: Genius. I’d use it all the time. You should think about creating an app so more people could access your site on the go. Your pitch was very informative but I think you could afford to add a little more text to your slides. I don’t think you’d have a problem getting word out or finding an audience for your business. Once people, from college students to seasoned professionals, find out about it, it’s going to be everywhere. Good work!

Heather: You’ve got such a great team working for you that you can’t fail. But seriously, great idea. Your slides were slightly text heavy but I wasn’t really left with any questions after reading about your pitch. I like the design too. Simple, yet sophisticated. The graphic was well done too. Like I suggested to someone else, maybe your business could benefit from the creation of an app. Regardless, this is a site I could see myself using often.

“The Source” pitch: Not sure exactly who’s idea this is. Make sure to put your name and contact information on the first slide! I also think you should state what exactly your concept is a little earlier. Try to do this by the second slide so you don’t lose your audience before you even begin. The content sounds like it’s well thought out and you articulate yourself well. Try to put less on your slides and say more (I couldn’t get the audio to work so I’m not sure exactly what was said). But the idea is sound and you should definitely run with it.  

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